RIL.APP.PROMPT.alert(window, 'Read It Later', "Oh no! There was an error saving your settings.\n\nYou can get help at\n\nError: "+e);
return true;
cancel : function()
return true;
// -- Account -- //
configureAccount : function()
try {
let login = RIL.APP.getLogin();
// Reset
RIL.xul('optionsForSignedOut').hidden =
RIL.xul('optionsForSignedIn').hidden = true;
if (login && login.username)
RIL.xul('options_username_label').label = 'Logged in as: ' + login.username;
if (RIL.xul('optionsListFormat').selectedItem.value == 'scroll' && RIL.APP.LIST.list.length > 300)
RIL.APP.PROMPT.alert(window, 'Just a heads up...', 'The scrollable list has to load your entire list. Due to the number of items in your list, it may load slower than using pages.');